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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 – Mrs Robert’s class

Teacher – Mrs Roberts  ( Monday – Thursday )                                    

HLTA – Mr Ward  (Monday pm and Friday)   

Year 5/6 Team 

Mr Johnson, Miss Kitchin, Mrs Roberts, Miss Webb, Mr Ward, Mr Ali, Mr Pettinger.     


Class starts at 8.30 and finishes at 3pm. 

Please ensure your child wears their full uniform. 

Our uniform comprises of a dark blue jumper, white polo-shirt, black trousers or a skirt or pinafore dress for girls. In summer boys can wear black shorts and girls can wear a blue striped or checked summer dress. 

For safety reasons we ask that children wear sensible shoes, not flip flops or shoes with a high heel. Please ensure that all items of clothing, including coats and shoes, are labelled with your child’s name. 

For PE activities we ask that children wear black shorts and a white t-shirt. Although indoor PE is performed in bare feet, pumps are worn for outdoor PE. If your child has long hair please ensure that they have a bobble to tie it back. 

Book Bags

Please remember to take your reading book home in your book bag everyday so you can practise at home. Bring it back every day!    

 The dates for the KS2 SATs normally run over a one week period. In 2022 the KS2 SATs will take place between Monday 9th May 2022 – Thursday 12th May 2022. Over this period pupils will sit 6 different tests, with English normally taking place at the beginning of the week and maths at the end. 

What you can do to help at home…

  • Make sure your child comes to school on time wearing their uniform  
  • Encourage reading 
  • Learn times tables  
  • Check children have completed home tasks  
  • Practise at home using the links in our home learning section