Pupil Premium
Number of Pupils and Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) | |
Total number pupils on roll (excluding F1) | 193 |
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG (FSM + 6Ever) | 59 ( January 2019 Census) |
Amount PPG received per pupil | £1320 |
Total Amount of PPG | £77,880 |
Background and Context of PPG |
PPG was introduced for pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the last six years with the intention of closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children. This is at a rate of £1,320 per child 2019.
There are no guidelines on how this money can be spent, although performance tables now contain information about the impact schools have made on closing the gap between different groups. Schools must evidence strategies in place to raise the attainment of FSM pupils and what the associated costs are alongside attainment and progress figures for this group of children. The Sutton Trust produced a report assessing a range of strategies which could be linked to Pupil Premium funding and could be used to improve attainment based on effectiveness and value for money. This will be used at Eastwood Village Primary School to help strike a balance between effectiveness and cost. Since 2012 Schools have been required to publish details of our PPG on our website, which must include:
This should be an overall breakdown of funding and how effective it has proved. |
Rationale of PPG |
Eastwood Village Primary School is committed to enabling all pupils to achieve to the best of their abilities. We intend to invest our pupil premium grant in better learning and will, therefore, allocate money to raise the aspirations and achievement of our children from more disadvantaged backgrounds. |
Objectives |
Project | Objective |
Family Support Services | 1 |
Additional Staffing | 5,7,8,9,10,11 |
Attendance Intervention | 2 |
Breakfast Club | 1, 2 |
Parent Involvement | 6 |
Homework Club | 9-11 |
After School Clubs | 2,3,4,7,8,9 |
Sports Leader Training & Supervision | 3,4 &6 |
Visits/Visitors to support learning | 2,4,12 |
Swimming Sessions | 3,4 |
Intervention Packages | 3,5,7,8,9,10,11 |
Involvement in Inter Sports Competitions | 7 & 4 |
PPG Project Spending 2019- 2020 | |||
Project | Cost | Objective | Intended Outcome |
Family Support Services- Linked to acquiring Settled Status following Brexit and Food Bank Provision. | £10,00 to support the release of Inclusion Manager | Ensure the basic needs of our children are met so that they are able to access learning e.g. Maslow’s physiological aspects within the hierarchy of needs
Involve parents in supporting their children’s learning
Families have access to public recourse and so can provide what is needed for their families. |
Attendance Intervention | £10,000 to support the full time role of the Attendance Officer. | Ensure children attend school regularly and punctually (in line with the school target) and that no child becomes PA.
Whole school Attendance improves from 94.2% to 95%
New school starters are supported to meet Attendance expectations. Number of late marks decreases from 628 to 503 20 % (Subject to mobility) Number of PA children decreases from 9.7 to 7% (Subject to mobility) CME figures removed.
Extra Staffing to support the continued rise in attainment in Maths, Reading & literacy.
Extra Teacher
Support children to make good progress so they attain in line with or higher than national expectations. To identify PPG children who need additional support in Math’s, reading or writing and to target through small group intervention sessions
To teach English, Math’s & Guided Reading in smaller groups to ensure good progress as measured by APS in Target Groups.
A rise in children meeting or exceeding end of FS2 Requirements from 32% to 40%
A rise in children meeting or exceeding end of KS1 Requirements from 24%/ 27% to 40% A rise in children meeting or exceeding end of KS2 Requirements from 5 children to 8 children. |
Read, Wite Inc, Intervention project.
£10,000 broken down into
£3,000 Leader £2,000 SLE Consultant £4,000 Resources £ 1,000 Training |
Close the gap between pupils eligible for FSM with other groups of learners
Provide children with effective feedback so that this helps them gain a clear understanding of what they need to do in order to improve
Year 1 Phonics Screen.
An increase from 70 to 75% is expected June 2020
Year 2 Phonics Resit Screen. Increased % of children achieving/exceeding national average from 2019- 2020. From 47% to 75%.
Extra Staffing to support the continued implementation and long term sustainment of the RWI programme.
£16,000 | Provide children with a confident and skilled staff.
Provide children with collaborative learning opportunities eg group intervention support Support children to make good progress so they attain in line with or higher than national expectations
Year 1 Phonics Screen.
Year 2 Phonics Resit Screen. Increased % of children achieving/exceeding national average from 47% to 75% |
Breakfast Club | 120 children &family
£2.50 per week Total – £11,700 |
Ensure the basic needs of our children are met so that they are able to access learning eg Maslow’s physiological aspects within the hierarchy of needs.
Ensure children attend school regularly and punctually (in line with the school target) and that no child becomes PA
An increase in Breakfast Club uptake from 80 pupils to 120 pupils & family members
Milk & Fruit | £2.00 per week x 39 wks = £78.00 per week
78.00X 100 children £7800 |
To ensure Children’s basic needs are met so they are ready to learn.
An increase in Breakfast Club uptake from 25 pupils to 50 pupils. |
After School Clubs & Holiday Club | Enrichment Clubs to extend the curriculum £50 per session
£50 per week x 39 weeks Refer to Annual After School Activity Grid. Sub Total – £1950 Holiday Provision 15 days Sub Total – £6000 Total £7950 |
Enable children to have high self-esteem and self-confidence
Enable children to access school provision in its widest sense eg creative and sporting activities and to socialise. Involve parents in supporting their children’s learning
Participation rates increase by 25%. A rise of 15 pupils to 20 pupils access after school enrichment activities.
Attendance at Holiday Clubs – Family food, physical, & phonics programme. 20 Pupil premium children and their families will attend the provision. |
Swimming lessons | 30 children
Total – £1000 |
To increase involvement in wider outcomes
Enable children to have high self-esteem and self-confidence
Increased % of children achieving minimum expectations risen by 10% in the areas of swimming 25 metres competently (from 45%- 50% & performing self -rescue (from 78% to 84%)
Visits/Visitors – subsidised | 200 children X £20.00
Total for year – £4000 |
Close the gap between pupils eligible for FSM with other groups of learners
Provide children with first hand experiences to use as meaningful starting points for learning eg visits and visitors
All children on roll have an opportunity to attend school visits
Curriculum enhanced – See Long Term Plans. |
Total Projected Spend
78,550 |
Pupil Premium Grant Project Spending and Impact 2018-2019
Number of pupils on roll 148 Number of pupils eligible for PPG 74 children Grant awarded £ 97,680 50% of our pupils attracted the DfE’s Pupil Premium Grant. Please note this figure is skewed to the detriment of the ‘actual’ rather than typically defined by Government measures, disadvantaged pupils at the School. The reason for this being that for parents to access benefits and therefore their children have eligibility for the funding, parents need to have lived in the country for 2 years. Many of our families are new to the country and therefore cannot access the benefits required to secure PP funding. As a result of this most of our children are widely considered disadvantaged. |
Project | Cost | Objective | Outcome | Impact and future actions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Extra staffing to support Literacy, Numeracy & KS1 | 1x NQT teacher £25,000
1x TA – 15,000 £ 15,000 to work as a Family Liaison officer a support Reading Development. |
To identify PPG children who need additional support in Maths, reading or writing and to target through small group intervention sessions
To teach English, Maths & Guided Reading in smaller groups to ensure good progress as measured by APS in Target Groups. Smaller groups so as to raise attainment for all children with particular regard to vulnerable groups as identified on the Electronic Mapping Attainment Grids (EMAGs) |
Good progress for all children
PP children make accelerated progress
Interventions overcome barriers to learning Year 1– increased % of children to pass the phonics screening. Year 2– increased % of children achieving/exceeding national average |
Outstanding progress noted for all children collectively and in Y6 and Y1. Expected progress noted for Y3 &Y5 In Y4 a disproportionately high % of Sen pupils and mobility factors affecting progress scores across the cohort. See Future Actions EYFS expected progress is 9 steps. KS1 –KS2 expected progress is 3 steps.
Please note that pupil sets considered in this data are not always recognised externally as viable or used as a fair comparison, due to high levels of mobility in year groups, and in some cases small cohort sizes who have accessed school provision in the long term. Future actions Y5 taught as discrete year group with targeted SEN provision in place to support future progress for pupils. Read, write Inc initiative will be continued with capacity for the project’s leadership and capacity expanded. Middle Leaders are now established to support accurate moderation and QA lessons. |
Read, Write Inc, Intervention project. | £15,00 Leader
£7,000 Resources £3000 Training Total: £25,000 |
To close the gap between pupil’s attainment.
To develop literacy skills. |
Year 1– increased % of children to pass the phonics screening.
Year 2– increased % of children achieving/exceeding national average
Improved attainment Improved family literacy levels. |
Y1 phonics. All children 19/27– 70% Disadvantaged 100%
Y2 phonics. 47% 15/33 Disadvantaged 5/6 83% All children- Note the high mobility of pupils into and out of Y2 means the phonics screening figure is not cumulative as expected in regular school cohorts. Summary The RWI project continues to be effective in supporting pupils acquisition of phonics due to high mobility of the cohort. Therefore, the project will be sustained into the next academic year. Future Actions TLR awarded to School based RWI Leader to maintain the high profile of the intervention programme. External SLE will be paid X6 days of support to support RWI leader at a strategic and developmental level. |
Breakfast Club | 40 children
£2.50 per week x 39 weeks = £100 per year, per pupil = £4,000 Total – £4000 |
To ensure children’s basic needs are met so they are ready to learn
To improve punctuality rates. To raise children’s self esteem To provide opportunities for families to socialise |
To increase number of children who attend Breakfast Club
Number of children late to school decreases by 50% Number of PA children decreases by 50% (2016 – 2017 = 8 PA) |
Breakfast club is well attended by pupils and their families.
Late marks from Autumn 2018- July 2019 have decreased from 3% to 2% of PA fallen from 35.75 July 2018 to 26.85 July 2019 despite an increase in cohort. See detailed attendance reports School continues to prioritise improving attendance for improvement. Future Actions Purchase new storage facilities for food. Invest in additional resources to link to additional reading opportunities for children- See school priority. Research funding streams to set up a holiday hunger Food Bank resource. |
Milk & Fruit | £1.00 per week x 39 weeks = £39.00 per week
£39.00X 60 children Total – £ 2340 |
To ensure children’s basic need s are met so they are ready to learn
All children access milk and fruit | Children and families enjoy a nutritious start to the day. Breakfast club is well attended by pupils and their families. Participation rates have accelerated.
The school has secured Magic Breakfast resourcing for another year. Future Actions Research funding streams to set up a holiday hunger Food Bank resource.
After School Clubs | Live & Learn – 1 club per week.
£35.00 per session £35.00 per week x 39 weeks Total for L & L- £1365 Total – £1365 |
To raise children’s self esteem
To provide opportunities to socialise To increase involvement in wider outcomes |
% of children eligible for PPG attending clubs increases | Targeted pupils for Extra curricula activities undertaken by class teachers using vulnerability indexes to support use of PPG. Registers show an increase in participation from 12 to 16 pupils attended on average. 25% increase.
Range of provision offered has expanded and is linked to pupil preferences and pupil voice. Links to competitive sport will be made. See Extra Curriculum provision map. Future actions Need to take into account, Holiday Clubs, lunchtime and breakfast provision also. |
Swimming lessons | 40 children
Total – £2000 |
To raise children’s self esteem
To raise confidence in water To increase involvement in wider outcomes |
Increased % of children achieving minimum expectations. | Y4, Y5 & Y6 pupils had access to swimming lessons this year. All pupils demonstrated an increase in water safety confidence, stroke development and independence in swimming either aided or otherwise. See swimming competency document on the Website.
Future Actions Establish links with local swimming pool to develop after school and holiday swimming opportunities.
Visits/Visitors – subsidised | 150 children X £12.00
Total – £1,800 subsidised + additional member of staff Total for year – £1800 |
To reduce pressure of affording school visits, ensure that children attend on visit days and access experiences they might not otherwise have. | Children’s learning is supported through relevant experiences
All children attend school visits Curriculum enhanced – see yearly plans. |
All children had the opportunity to attend a variety of trips this year including a trip to Magna Science Park. This trip was used as a stimulus for a science based ‘forces’ theme.
Future actions Continue Long Term Planning sessions for next whole school visit to link into themes studied for each Key Stage. Access funding streams to offer additional opportunities for visits next year.
Total Projected Spend | £80, 520 |