Celebrating Good Attendance
Celebrating Good Attendance
- Attendance certificates are awarded every half term to children with 100% Attendance
- Friday afternoon celebration assemblies are used as a means of promoting and rewarding good attendance. The winning and most improved classes receive rewards on a weekly basis
- Any child with 100% attendance at the end of the school year will be rewarded with a trip that will be decided by the student council
- Attendance displays are clearly visible and are used to celebrate good attendance
- Children with positive attendance also receive dojo’s that they can trade in to earn prizes. Throughout the year children with good attendance are invited to special events e.g. VIP lunch, McDonald’s lunch and special outings
- Job Squad roles are given to children who promote positive attendance around school
- We acknowledge and reward good attendance to families that have been on Individual attendance plans e.g. parent prizes/rewards
- Class teachers are encouraged to praise individual and class attendance regularly
- Attendance staff will regularly report attendance to other school staff to raise awareness and encourage good attendance