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Sexting is when someone shares an intimate photo of themselves with another person via text, DM or social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat etc.

Being involved in sending explicit pictures, where the person in the picture is under the age of 18, can be a criminal offence.

If you are under 18 Childline can help to remove a nude or explicit image you have shared onlineclick here for information

Or you can speak to someone that you can trust like a parent or carer, teacher or family member. You may feel uncomfortable about telling your parents but they will need to know so that they can help and support you.

If you would like to talk to someone in confidence you can contact:

  • Childline– You can call them free on 0800 1111 and this number won’t appear on a telephone bill. Available 24 hours a day by phone or on the internet
  • Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre the national site that looks after children and young people’s online safety. Anyone can report any online activity or sites which make them feel uncomfortable or worried, or if they are worried about someone they are chatting to online